New Blog: Get to Know Me

Getting to Know Me

Hey guys! Welcome to my new blog. I am so excited to be finally starting this blog. Reading other people's blogs has become part of my daily routine. I thought if I love reading them so much why not try writing one, so here I am!

I am Chloe Dunlop *insert Dunlop tyres joke here*, I am a 19 year old who works full time as an Elderly Care Assistant. I have a real rewarding job, knowing that I'm making a difference to someone's day really makes it all worthwhile. As much as I enjoy my job, it's not what I want for my future career. My dream is to become a successful Blogger and Youtuber. One day I will make that dream a reality.

My blog is going to be beauty, lifestyle and fashion based. I love expressing my passion for all things beauty and fashion. I have loved beauty from such a young age. My mum is a Beauty Therapist so I have been around the beauty industry my entire life. I hope my recommendations, reviews and rants are helpful. 

Stay weird, beautiful & original.

Hi. This is me. In my car. Wearing my seatbelt. Being safe. :))

I thought I'd start off with an introductory post all about me. I feel 'Random Facts About Me' is a great way for you guys to get to know me a little better. 

Random Facts About Me

I'm left handed
Ok, so I'm left handed. It's funny because I always get told I have such neat writing and when I tell people that I am left handed I get such a shocked response.

Salon Work
So when I was 12, my mum opened up her own beauty salon with my Auntie. I worked as a salon junior every Saturday for my 'pocket money'. I worked there until I was 17. Obviously it became a proper wage as I got older and not so much pocket money. I feel my main reason I'm so in love with beauty and makeup is because of the environment I was working in. I've learnt so many things working there and it has definitely boosted my confidence to make my YouTube videos and start blogging.

Tea Addict
I LOVE TEA! TEA LOVES ME! No really I love tea so much. It's my go-to drink. I am always seen with a cup of tea in my hand. Seriously though, you can never go wrong with a cuppa, right?

I like to spend money I don't have. I am constantly online shopping. From the latest beauty range (which burns a massive hole in my bank account) to clothes and unnecessary amounts of take outs. I am not a saver, I have never been a saver and my current bank balance notifies me that I will never be a saver. It seems like an impossible task.

Weird obsession with Planning and Organising
Ok so I can admit that the thing that relaxes me the most is planning, cleaning and organising. It's so weird but so therapeutic. I'm not sure if the satisfaction from all the planning, cleaning and organising cancels out all the stress and mix of emotions I was feeling before hand. Usually people read books and do yoga but no Chloe likes to clean her room.

Believe it or not but I am TERRIBLE at English. I hated the subject at school, always thought it was pointless and no one needed to go to sleep at night with Carol Ann Duffy's War Photographer on loop in their heads. I have also never been one for reading books, I always lost concentration but there is one series of books that kept me so gripped. The Mortal Instruments Books by Cassandra Clare, I was soled after the first chapter or two. As much as I don't tend to read, I'd love to be able too. So if you have any recommendations of good books, please let me know.

I did it! Hopefully you liked this post. Need to get used to the ways of blogging.

Stay glowing!


  1. Hello, beautiful! Welcome to the world of blogging! Trust me, you'll enjoy it! <3


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